COELACANTH (Latimeria chalumnae)

The coelacanth is referred to as a living fossil because it is the only remaining species of a group of fish species that died out millions of years ago. It is found in the deep coastal waters of eastern Africa, where rocky shores are battered by strong oceanic currents. It is a large fish, growing to a length of about 6 feet, and it moves along the rocky slopes with the help of fleshy pectoral fins. Populations of this species are thought to be critically low.
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered
Major Threat: Accidental capture by fishing operations
Habitat: Volcanic and rocky slopes in deep coastal waters
Location: Eastern Africa
Diet: Cuttlefish, squid, snipe eels, small sharks and other fish
LOST RIVER SUCKER (Deltistes luxatus)

IUCN Status: Endangered
USFWS Status: Endangered
Major Threats: Overfishing, damming of rivers and draining of wetlands
Habitat: Lakes, rivers and streams
Location: California and Oregon
Diet: Mainly detritus; also midge larvae, amphipods and zooplankton
MEKONG GIANT CATFISH (Pangasianodon gigas)
The Mekong giant catfish is a freshwater fish that grows to be very large — about as large as a grizzly bear in some cases. This enormous fish was historically found throughout the Mekong River, which is the 12th longest river in the world. The waterway spans about 2,983 miles (4,800 kilometers) from its headwaters in the Tibetan Plateau throughout much of Southeast Asia. Currently, Mekong giant catfish populations are in rapid decline, primarily due to dams, overfishing and pollution.

IUCN Status: Critically Endangered
Major Threats: Dams, overfishing and pollution
Habitat: Rivers
Location: Lower half of the Mekong River
Diet: Aquatic plants and algae
NASSAU GROUPER (Epinephelus striatus)

The Nassau grouper is a large, predatory coral reef fish that is found in the western Atlantic Ocean, Florida Keys, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. It has a habit of visiting cleaning stations on coral reefs, where wrasse fish pick parasites out of its mouth and gills. It also camouflages itself in order to ambush prey. The Nassau grouper is in serious decline due to fishing and loss of coral reef habitat.
IUCN Status: Endangered
Major Threat: Fishing and habitat loss
Habitat: Coral reefs
Location: Western Atlantic Ocean, Florida Keys, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
Diet: Mainly other fish and crabs
RUSSIAN STURGEON (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)

IUCN Status: Endangered
Major Threat: Overfishing, pollution and habitat loss
Habitat: Seas and large rivers
Location: Black Sea, Caspian Sea and adjacent river systems
Diet: Mainly mollusks
SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH (Pristis pectinata)

USFWS Status: Endangered
Major Threats: Hunting, pollution, habitat loss and being caught in fishing lines
Habitat: Shallow coastal and estuarine waters
Location: Altantic and Pacific oceans and the Gulf of Mexico
Diet: Mainly fish and some crustaceans
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